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The reproduction of any material included in this site is not authorised unless prior written consent has been given by the owner of this site and any other party with a vested interest in its information or images.
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The owner of this site is committed to maintaining the privacy of visitors to the site and, as such, will not distribute to a third party details collected from you, such as your name and contact details.
Personal Data
The personal data provided to me and marriage documents that are completed in the lead up to each wedding are stored as per the requirements of the Marriage Act 1961. The Act also requires that certain information is sent to the office of Births, Deaths & Marriages in the State in which a wedding is held after the wedding takes place so that the marriage can be registered. This includes the:
Other documents such as those pertaining to a Shortening of Time, Certificate of Faithful Performance By Interpreter or Statutory Declarations will be included (where relevant.)
An authorised celebrant is required to retain the Official Certificate of Marriage (hard copy or electronic version) for a period of 6 years from the date of each wedding. All other personal data will be destroyed after the registration of each marriage.